The world is nothing without you

How on earth did you reach the conclusion that you don't matter? That no one cares? Perhaps you feel like an infinitesimally small drop of matter in a vast, swirling sea of humanity. Especially when you look at all the others, living busy lives. All of the noise. The drowning colour and light. The sparkle… Continue reading The world is nothing without you

Whose life are you living?

I have a confession to make. I believe in strange things. I believe in unseen worlds, in ancient secrets, in life beyond the senses. Always have, and probably always will. Over the years, I've learnt to keep most of these beliefs to myself so that friends and family don't feel too uncomfortable. From an early… Continue reading Whose life are you living?

What to do if you know an Angel.

We often don't recognise Angels because they look just like regular human beings. The friend who drops everything to help someone in pain. The guy who pulls over on the side of the road to change a stranger's tyre. These souls care deeply about other people, animals, nature. They smile at us out of human… Continue reading What to do if you know an Angel.

What’s stopping you from reaching your goal? Could it be this little known illness?

Social media. After years of forgetting its existence, I jumped back into the void. Wow, it's intense out there, isn't it? Exciting, sure. There's so much amazing content, uplifting stories, beautiful creative folk making the world a rich and rewarding place to inhabit. I feel like I could take a detour and never return, never… Continue reading What’s stopping you from reaching your goal? Could it be this little known illness?

How writing fiction taught me to love.

A handful of years ago, in London, I walked out of a beautiful, butter-stoned hotel, opposite Hyde Park. Magic surrounded me. I'd just finished a spiritual course and I was full of love and joy.  It was one of those beautiful afternoons when the world was drenched in light and the air was uncharacteristically warm… Continue reading How writing fiction taught me to love.

You might not know this but you saved the world.

Love to the misfits, those who feel out place, the poets, artists, musicians and writers, truth seekers, deep sea divers of life, philosophers, the lost and lonely, knights and goddesses of the light, those who have a kind word when all around them is hate. Love to the volunteers, the teachers, the exhausted parents, those… Continue reading You might not know this but you saved the world.